Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pictures from fair!

Ok i didn't do to bad at fair this year! I kinda forgot about the blog after fair so now im going to add pictures. I compared them to how chubby Lacy looks now. She looks a lot skinnier! Enjoy

Getting ready for the 7 hour long trail class!


Stall Decorations!

Showmanship time with Marilyn

Even diva's have to sleep too!

Waiting for reining Lacy and i both look a little annoyed

The things i do for this horse!

So i havent been posting in a while. Sorry! I have been focused on my other blog, but im back! As long as i don't get distracted..
Little miss Lacy has been getting well, to put it nicely, Chubby. Its almost like riding a couch. So far we haven't worked on much other then bareback so i can get some balance work and she get's out of her stall. We have different ideas of riding bareback. I, would like a slow collected jog. Lacy, however, prefers trotting around like crazy while im trying to stay on. Dork of a horse! But i can officially say i do a lot for this horse. I woke up this morning around 3am. No not thinking about getting breakfast or any weird things that tend to run through my brain in the morning. No i had forgotten my bridle at the barn. So this morning i convinced my mom to go run out and get the bridle with me.
When we got there poor Lacy was worried she was going to have to be ridden this early in the morning. But nope! I gave her a hug then ran out with the bridle. She's going to be surprised to see me back again tonight!  That's not all. Earlier this week i wasn't feeling good at all and had to call in sick for work. They were extremely angry, but i think they got over it? I practically crawled up the stairs and begged to go to the barn. The next night, after not being able to go out, Lacy was clingy! She didn't like it when i walked off without her and didn't want me out of her sight. I just wonder how shes going to feel when i can't go out tomorrow. Poor pregnant pony. I'll make sure to grab some pictures tonight. But for now im going to post a few of her. Warning she's pretty chubby!

 Lacy getting ready to show!

Second place in Horsemanship! Because she sneakly did a flying lead change without me knowing.


Horsemanship again

Pleaure, wasn't our best class she was a tad speedy

 Pleasure again
We only placed in one class. But the funny part is i almost didn't go in because she wasn't pivoting. But we went in there and did pretty well. We need to work on a TON though!
Im going to add another post about fair!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

County fair this week!!!

Aaahhh where has the summer gone?!?!? Yesterday i got my class schedule, but enough about school. I rode Lacy last night and it was super hot out. I tried doing some of the reining pattern and she was amazing!! She likes going fast or i think i like going fast? But reining seemed to come back to her! Tonight im going to wash down stalls at the Event center. And pick up some pattern packet thing. And tomorrow im going to double check the stalls, go to pre fair briefing, and ride Lacy in both arenas before midnight. Oh and on top of that move everything in! Talk about crazy! Thursday i have class after class after class. Its going to be a CRAZY fair!

And here's some pics of the lovable pony.
And one of the ugliest spiders i have ever seen. Did i mention im terrified of them????

 Im not sure what distracted both of us
 Shes eating my foot :)

 Haha the sleepy pony (and i haven't even ridden her yet)
 Chaps (the mini) And Smoothie (lacys baby) Liked to follow us a couple nights ago. It was really adorable and weird!
 Gate time!
And thats all for now!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I have been lazy!

Ok so i have been busy AND too lazy too post. But im updating it now! County Fair is in a little less then a week. I have been practicing like crazy to get trail worked on. Since Lacy has been sore i have done only walking and a little trotting. I hope we are going to be ready for fair. We have been improving our side passing. So far she is able to do it quicker and better. So im hoping she will be ok by next Saturday. 
Im not entering a lot of classes at fair, but i want to be really prepared for the ones im going into. We managed to set up a trail course in the arena to desensitize Lacy for the actual trail course. Her headset is getting better and she is finally backing up better! My only thing i need to figure out how to do for fair is... flying lead changes! The only class we need to do the lead changes for is reining. And that's the class i would like to do well in. Along with trail, working pleasure, and western riding. I honestly don't care about Western Pleasure at this point, I will just be happy if we go in and not die! Oh and we got a super cool bridle that perfectly matches the saddle! Although i forgot to buy a curb chain so the first ride with the new bridle was actually pretty funny! At least i know she behaves well. 
Lacy got ridden by her owner at a reining show this weekend. In my opinion (i don't know a lot about reining) they did really well! Except for the wrong lead, excuse me i mean lovely counter canter it was cool to watch! Ok that's all for now! I promise i'll try and update it more.
 Ok, ok i know these are old pictures, but i think she looks adorable in them :) ^ she was attempting to eat cones.
And this one just because she looked cute!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I love it here!

I love being out at the acreage! It's very quiet and NO drama! We didn't place well enough to go to state but in a way im glad this way we can get a ton of lessons in and kick butt at fair! (or so we both hope) Lacy's getting sliding plates on Saturday!! We are doing only 8 events at fair but it's going to literally be event after event after event. Lacy had her feet trimmed a couple days ago and i go to bring her in from the pasture and onto the cement and she was acting sore. After i tacked up i tried to lead her out of the barn she could barely walk. So i put her into a huge stall gave her food and she became a happyish pony. But it meant we couldn't work on stuff for fair. And on top of that i am going to have a lesson this week! She was better yesterday but i still gave her the day off. More later :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I totally forgot to add some new pictures of Lacy :) enjoy!

 Sleepy pony!!


So i went to districts today. I was very proud of Lacy for having an amazing pattern! However we missed our right lead so we weren't able to go to state. Im kinda glad im not this year this way i can get a TON of lessons in with my trainer! Hmm i have no clue what else to add other than im so very proud of lacy and the fact my face is sunburnt BAD! My face feels like its on fire. Lacy and I are also moving back out to the owners acreage Saturday! We were going to move tomorrow but i was too lazy to put my stuff in the trailer and i wanted to get home to chill!! Also i get to take Lacy and Marilyn to County Fair. Im SUPER excited!!! Hopefully my trainer will help me improve a lot and show me how to really ride Lacy. Oh i should add along with my face being burnt the back of my hand are too. Lets just say its PAINFUL! Also im scared for county its literally going to cost around $200 which is not including trailering. So trailering and County together are going to be around $300!!!!! I really need to save money! And on top of that buy an english saddle and bridle. Sigh i never have any money!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I think i may need a second job

Ahh so work has been crazy. I barely have any hours. Except tonight was absolute insanity! We had just huge groups of people after huge groups of people. Who left the hugest messes!!! Ok ill update on the pretty pony :). Last night there were mules in the arena and Lacy had never seen mules before. Let's just say she was a little weirded out. And one of them took off straight for her and Lacy freaked out and tried to run. Did i mention i was riding her bareback on a very loose rein? Lucky for me she didn't slam me into the fence and actually tried to stop! Thank you Lacy!! I also had to take care of my friends horse Reily, so i have been taking care of two horses these past few days. And tomorrow i get to take care of 3 horse stalls. Ride/lunge Reily and Lacy. Possibly bathe them. Then feed Reily. Talk about a crazy week!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lacy, Lacy, Lacy!!!!

She did NOT enjoy her bath last night. I was the only one there so i had to try and keep her from walking off and freaking out. It took me an hour to wash just her mane and tail. We really need work on it! Only a few more days left of school for me! Yippie! I also am going to predistricts June 4th!!! :) Speaking of shows for county fair someone offered to let me use there horse as a back up for fair. And to use in games! Im not very good at all with games but there really fun to do! Plus i have awesome green and black game reins. Lacy and I tried the district pattern tonight and she did very well! Except she was extremely hyper. That's all for now! I need to get more pictures on.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shes back!!!!!

So Lacy had to go away for 5 days to be bred. That was literally the LONGEST 5 days ever! She is know back but extremely clingy! Also her coats really darkening out. Oh but i can't ride her for the next two weeks. After that for another two weeks i can't ride her really hard. But we should be good to go by June 23rd which is districts!!!!! Lacy's owner is offering to give us a ride :) Also if i end up going to state i get to use her horse Marilyn in showmanship!! Thats all for now! Unfortunatly i have to go to work.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trail day!

So im super happy! The person who owns Lacy moved her mats today AND cleaned her stall :) meaning i could get started riding right away! We worked on getting are leads to the right, and she behaved pretty well! I love trail riding with Lacy! She could care less if we go alone or in a group, last time we went with a group she was literally speed walking the first half and than on the way back she was dragging her feet. Safe to say i have a trail pony! She walked over tree branches, except whenever one would snap Lacy would look all around her to make sure no one was following. I have to work Saturday and Sunday so we can't go to a show. BUT im hoping there is one next week. I finally made the decision that im not going to districts. I was disapointed but me and Lacy could use some extra practice. Tonight i have a band concert. I wish horses were allowed!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lacys Latest Achievments!

Lacy is probably the best horse! I took her to our first show together the weekend before last weekend, it turned out great! Despite the fact we placed last in all the classes we went into too! Except for walk trot. Its been bugging me!!! We looked perfect other than she did pin her ears once during the class but other than that she looked great! I was going to go to districts this year. But sadly we couldn't get a ride so instead of not working very hard because im not going, Im deciding to go to this other show. Its more of an open show but i have gone the past couple years and it is a fun show! So im looking forward to that one in July. Oh and in order for us to do our level testing i need to learn how to do a flying lead change. In all my years of riding (actually its only like 3 years) i have not done a flying lead change! So i think i need to be the one to learn for once! Also our Barn Owner tilled the outdoor arena today and i was super excited!!!!! There was this huge dirt pile that the entire time i rode Lacy was slightly freaked out by it! Also i swear barely anything makes Lacy spook. My friends dog Tilly was splashing through water like running through it right next to Lacy and Lacy barely cared! So thats the Lacy update for right now! Other than she keeps getting better! And that im really working on my favorite English!! It feels awesome to be back in an English saddle! Except for i do really like my western saddle! :) Thats all for now!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring was supposed to be here!!!!!!

Aahhh! I look outside this morning and see..... SNOW! It has been in the 70's this week and perfect riding weather. Yesterday was in the 40's and Lacy loved it! She cantered nicely and for the first time she didn't want to stop cantering! We had a 4-h meeting and after we were in Wilderness we saw orange lightning, so we ran the entire way back to the stable while it was hailing. When we got inside the barn we continued the meeting while it lightning and thundered. Nebraska has insane weather! Lacy has been extremely good these past few days other than spooking at the wind! Also its deshedding season and all the horses have been losing there furry winter coats!! OK uploading some pictures of me and my pony!!

 Lacy and me!

 Silly horse! Lunge lines dont taste good!

 Lacy just being cute!
And last but not least surprised pony!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nebraska Horse expo!

So all this weekend i went to the nebraska horse expo! and bought a lot of stuff!!! I found some really neat halters but i didn't have any money for! I also bought a pair of nice spurs!! Also i got 2 saddle pads from someone my friend knew! I have been cleaning my room. But i did go out to see my pony today! She was excited to be lunged but then wasn't after she knew she actually had to work! One thing on my wish list right now is a saddle!!!!!! My trainers english one it the only one that fits her. She is a super stocky quarter horse who needs the full quarter horse bars. And my trainer only  has semi quarter horse bars and it pinches her withers. So i really need to find a saddle! More to come! Along with extremely nice weather!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Im totally loving this weather!

So it was amazingly nice today!!!! Yay! I took Lacy out for a trailride and she was an angel! She was so excited but didn't trot or buck. On the way back she dragged her feet like she really didn't want to go back! She could literally go on trails for HOURS! 4-H tonight!! Than tomorrow the NEBRASKA HORSE EXPO!!!!!!!! More tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So i didn't get a chance to ride my pony today :( But i did lunge her!! She didn't buck or do anything!! Im extremely proud of her! I cantered her for quite a while she wasn't too happy but she likes getting back into work. Yesterday she was not a very good pony at all! She refused to canter and was getting all excited so i kept her doing little circles and than lunged her again. Its raining! I love the rain! And the sound it makes! Filled out job applications last night... only way to keep my pony! I hope i actually get hired some where. Which brings me to my parents and I's agreement. If i get a job and can pay half for my horse i can keep her. If i can't bye bye horse! Enough for today! I have a lot of homework oh one good thing about this week HORSE EXPO!!!!!!!!!!! Im super excited to go watch!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Show season is coming up! Im counting the days!! A little about myself and the horse im leasing. Lacy is an 11 year old purebred Quarter horse her owner did reining with her. She has been out to pasture for two years and now i have to work to build her back up into show form. So after her testing me like crazy pinning her ears refusing to move. Now i can actually canter her! But she goes perfect on her left except around corners she slows down a lot and i really have to push her through! But her right lead she refuses to canter she trots faster than i thought a horse could but still she doesn't canter!!!!!!  Unless i take her straight down the arena and she thinks we are doing roll backs. I love her though! 

How it came to be:
So i had my mind set on a horse named Smokey long story short i thought he was the perfect horse. But Katie saw Lacy being ridden at a clinic and texted me about Lacy i refused and was mad when Katie kept telling me i should get her. I thought it over that night and texted her back the next day asking some questions. Than Katie said i should try and ride her. I went out the next day nervous to see what would happen. I watched Lacy's owner ride her and instantly i knew that this was one awesome horse!! She could do just about everything a reining horse does! I hopped on and she was an absolute angel! Lacy's owner decided it would work but i had to convince my parents. I went home that night all happy and excited. The next day though i had a lesson it turned out great! But coming home to my parents was a totally different story! After about an hour of us being mad and yelling i stormed off not listening to anything my parents said. While i was at school i wrote an "agreement" to try and convince my parents i got home and i worked to convince my mom. She said we could trial her two weeks but after that my job better start or Lacy would have to wait. So i talked to Lacy's owner the next night. She was totally nice and told me she didn't want Lacy to leave for March all we needed to do was pay the board. I immidiatly called my mom and told her she agreed!!!!! So Lacy is mine now! Well leasing wise anyway. Except for 1 or 2 weeks in April her owner is breeding her but after she has the foal we have an option to lease her!!!
Ok wow i totally didn't realize how long this post was!!! If you read it awesome! If u didn't thats ok i type a lot! Continue looking at my blog to see how Lacy and I are doing!!!!!!!