Friday, July 29, 2011

I have been lazy!

Ok so i have been busy AND too lazy too post. But im updating it now! County Fair is in a little less then a week. I have been practicing like crazy to get trail worked on. Since Lacy has been sore i have done only walking and a little trotting. I hope we are going to be ready for fair. We have been improving our side passing. So far she is able to do it quicker and better. So im hoping she will be ok by next Saturday. 
Im not entering a lot of classes at fair, but i want to be really prepared for the ones im going into. We managed to set up a trail course in the arena to desensitize Lacy for the actual trail course. Her headset is getting better and she is finally backing up better! My only thing i need to figure out how to do for fair is... flying lead changes! The only class we need to do the lead changes for is reining. And that's the class i would like to do well in. Along with trail, working pleasure, and western riding. I honestly don't care about Western Pleasure at this point, I will just be happy if we go in and not die! Oh and we got a super cool bridle that perfectly matches the saddle! Although i forgot to buy a curb chain so the first ride with the new bridle was actually pretty funny! At least i know she behaves well. 
Lacy got ridden by her owner at a reining show this weekend. In my opinion (i don't know a lot about reining) they did really well! Except for the wrong lead, excuse me i mean lovely counter canter it was cool to watch! Ok that's all for now! I promise i'll try and update it more.
 Ok, ok i know these are old pictures, but i think she looks adorable in them :) ^ she was attempting to eat cones.
And this one just because she looked cute!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I love it here!

I love being out at the acreage! It's very quiet and NO drama! We didn't place well enough to go to state but in a way im glad this way we can get a ton of lessons in and kick butt at fair! (or so we both hope) Lacy's getting sliding plates on Saturday!! We are doing only 8 events at fair but it's going to literally be event after event after event. Lacy had her feet trimmed a couple days ago and i go to bring her in from the pasture and onto the cement and she was acting sore. After i tacked up i tried to lead her out of the barn she could barely walk. So i put her into a huge stall gave her food and she became a happyish pony. But it meant we couldn't work on stuff for fair. And on top of that i am going to have a lesson this week! She was better yesterday but i still gave her the day off. More later :)