Show season is coming up! Im counting the days!! A little about myself and the horse im leasing. Lacy is an 11 year old purebred Quarter horse her owner did reining with her. She has been out to pasture for two years and now i have to work to build her back up into show form. So after her testing me like crazy pinning her ears refusing to move. Now i can actually canter her! But she goes perfect on her left except around corners she slows down a lot and i really have to push her through! But her right lead she refuses to canter she trots faster than i thought a horse could but still she doesn't canter!!!!!! Unless i take her straight down the arena and she thinks we are doing roll backs. I love her though!
How it came to be:
So i had my mind set on a horse named Smokey long story short i thought he was the perfect horse. But Katie saw Lacy being ridden at a clinic and texted me about Lacy i refused and was mad when Katie kept telling me i should get her. I thought it over that night and texted her back the next day asking some questions. Than Katie said i should try and ride her. I went out the next day nervous to see what would happen. I watched Lacy's owner ride her and instantly i knew that this was one awesome horse!! She could do just about everything a reining horse does! I hopped on and she was an absolute angel! Lacy's owner decided it would work but i had to convince my parents. I went home that night all happy and excited. The next day though i had a lesson it turned out great! But coming home to my parents was a totally different story! After about an hour of us being mad and yelling i stormed off not listening to anything my parents said. While i was at school i wrote an "agreement" to try and convince my parents i got home and i worked to convince my mom. She said we could trial her two weeks but after that my job better start or Lacy would have to wait. So i talked to Lacy's owner the next night. She was totally nice and told me she didn't want Lacy to leave for March all we needed to do was pay the board. I immidiatly called my mom and told her she agreed!!!!! So Lacy is mine now! Well leasing wise anyway. Except for 1 or 2 weeks in April her owner is breeding her but after she has the foal we have an option to lease her!!!
Ok wow i totally didn't realize how long this post was!!! If you read it awesome! If u didn't thats ok i type a lot! Continue looking at my blog to see how Lacy and I are doing!!!!!!!
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